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Lesvi's product portfolio comprises CNS pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, unique dosage forms and products in other therapeutic areas such as antiemetic, anti-infective, cardiovascular, diseases and pain. 
Product Indication Dosage form Strength
Levomethadone ** Severe pain Oral drops, solution 5mg/ ml (bottle 20ml)
Lisinopril Hypertension Tablets 5 and 20 mg
Lisinopril + HCTZ Hypertension Tablets 20/12.5 mg
Loratadine Allergy Film-coated tablets 10 mg
Melperone Psychomotor agitation and sleep Film-coated tablets 10 mg, 25 mg,  50mg and  100 mg
Melperone Forte Psychomotor agitation and sleep Oral solution 25mg/ 5 ml
Memantine hydrochloride Alzheimer's disease Film-coated tablets 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg
Memantine hydrochloride Alzheimer's disease Oral solution 10 mg/ml
Methocarbamol Muscle spasms, pain Film-coated tablets 750 mg
Methocarbamol Muscle spasms, pain Film-coated tablets 500, 1000 and 1500 mg
Midazolam Epilepsy Oral solution 2,5 mg/ 0,5 ml
5 mg/ 1 ml
7,5 mg/ 1,5 ml               
10 mg/ 2 ml
Montelukast Asthma, allergy Chewable tablets 4 and 5 mg
Montelukast Asthma, allergy Film-coated tablets 10 mg
Nabilone * Antiemetic Tablets 1 mg
Noxiall® Useful to contrast chronic and neuropathic pain Jan 2017
Olanzapine Psychosis, schizophrenia Film-coated tablets 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15 and 20 mg
Olanzapine Psychosis, schizophrenia Orodispersable tablets 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg
Ondansetron Nausea & vomiting Film-coated tablets 4 and 8 mg
Ondansetron Nausea & vomiting Orodispersable tablets 4 and 8 mg
Opipramol Depression / Anxiety Film-coated tablets 50, 100 and 150 mg

[*] Differentiated product
[**] Opioid

Listed products protected by valid patents are developed solely for purposes related to the development, preparation and submission of information to obtain a Marketing Authorisation. In particular these products are under development for uses related to the activities stated in Art. 10.6 of Directive 2001/83/EC amended by the Directive 2004/27/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004, i.e. activities carried out to obtain a Marketing Authorisation. None of the products are offered for sale or supplied to countries in which they could be in conflict with valid patents.

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